We have all had those situations where we need to add an appointment to the calendar to advise that we are not in the office or to remind ourselves of an appointment.
On smeMetrics, you can add these non billable appointments (IE: Lunch, Doctors Appointment ect) to the smeMetrics calendar. This will allow you to show when you are not available for appointments as well as ensure that these appointments are not reflected on your dashboard pie chart.
To load a normal appointment to your calendar you will need to select the date on the calendar and on the bottom right hand corner of the pop up screen, select the drop down and change from Contact Mode to Normal Mode
Once you have done this, the system will now open up an appointment screen for you to sent the appointment.
You need to give the appointment a Title IE:: on leave, etc. You can define the duration, the time, the location and description should you need to and have the ability to send a meeting request and reminders to the attendee's should the appointment require.
Once you have entered the information click save and the appointment will be reflected in your smeMetrics calendar in dark Blue.