Once you have set up your business and calendar info you will need to set up your mail info. This will let the system know which email address to send communication from as well as your email preferences.

Support Email Mode :: 
This setting is where you configure which email address you want smeMetrics to send emails from and which email address your clients can reply to. Please read the below article to configure your email preferences

Mail Settings :: 
This is where can set things like who gets cc'd into an email ect 

  • Use the Primary Organisation Support Email :: 
    This setting is used if you have a multi-practice ( smeMetrics Advanced or Professional Account) so that all emails from the various practitioners can be sent from one central email address eg: accounts@practicexyz.com
  • Forward Incoming Support Emails :: 
    This setting is used if you are using the personal support email address, if your client responds to that email the system will then forward the reply to the email address that you added as your business admin email. This is so that you can reply to the client without logging into your smeMetrics account and going to mails.
  • Send Medical Aid Invoice Mail to Contact (and Medical Aid) :: 
    This setting of ticked will ensure that when you send an email to the medical aid that your client receives a copy of the invoice and an email advising that the claim has been sent to the scheme on their behalf but that they remain liable for payment should the scheme not settle the claim.
  • Attach Statement to Invoice Mails :: 
    This setting ensures that when you send an invoice to your client that a 30 day statement is sent with the invoice. This is a great way to ensure that your clients can see if medical aid has paid for their previous sessions or not.
  • Send Invoice sms Notifications :: 
    Please read this blog for more info ::  Sending Invoice sms Notifications
  • Financial Mail Recipients :: 
    This setting lets the system know who to sent invoices and statement to, you can opt to send to all email addresses on the system or you can break the communications down to send to specific parties on the account.
  • Other Mail Recipients :: 
    This setting is for the reminder emails etc, in some cases the person responsible for the account payment does not want to be reminded of sessions as they dont bring the patient in for sessions, this option allows you to to send to all email addresses on the system or you can break the communications down to send to specific parties on the account.