So there are a few things that you need to configure for your invoicing information on smeMetrics. In this article I will go through each of the items so that you can set up your invoicing process and information that will reflect on your invoices.
My Invoice Configuration ::
In this section we will go through the configuration options for your invoices.
Invoice Note ::
This section allows you to add a note that will appear on all invoices that you generate. This is a good way to let clients know about your missed appointment policy or about upcoming leave that you may be taking etc.
Payment Terms Text ::
This section allows you to add a note about your payment terms that will appear on the bottom of all invoices that you generate.
Payment Terms Days ::
Here is where you tell the system what your payment terms are, this section is important and links to your Dunning settings as well as your monthly accounts aging report. In the example below we have set the terms to 7 days, this means that 8 days after the invoice date the system views the account as overdue.
Payment Reference Pattern ::
This is where you will be able to add the payment reference that you would like to have shown on your clients invoice under your banking details. There are a few combinations that you can use to set this reference.
- The system is set to a default of the contact/file number and the client initials ::
%contactNumber% - %initialOne% %initialTwo% - To use the patients first name and last name as a reference add this code to the text block ::
%firstName% %lastName% - To use the patients contact number and surname as a reference add this code to the text block ::
%contactNumber% - %lastName%
Invoice Configuration General Settings ::
- Enable Monthly (Consolidated) Invoices ::
If this setting is ticked it tells the system that when you generate a consolidated invoice it can only pull calendar events for that calendar month (1st January to 31 January) only.
If this setting is unticked when you generate a consolidated invoice, the system will look for all uninvoiced appointments in your calendar regardless of the month or year many clients use this option as they bill monthly on the 25th (26 December to 25 January). - Exclude Future (Consolidated) Events ::
If this setting is ticked then the system will be set to ensure that you cannot invoice for a session that has not yet occurred ie: you cannot invoice today for sessions booked for tomorrow.
If this setting is unticked the system will be set to be able to invoice for future events. Please Note :: This can be risky if you have appointments set for a month in advance and generate a consolidated invoice the invoice will include next months sessions as well. - Include Current Date and Time in Future (Consolidated) Event Checks ::
If this is ticked when you generate invoices the system will only generate invoices up until the time that you are processing your invoicing. IE:: if its 3pm and you are processing invoicing for the current day the system will allow you invoice for all sessions on the day until 3pm, any sessions after 3pm will not be invoice-able as they have not occurred.
If this is unticked when you generate invoices the system will generate invoices for the whole day irrespective of the time that you process invoicing. This is great for practices that require payment ahead of the session as you are able to generate your invoices in the morning and send them to the days clients. - Consolidated Invoice Date Mode ::
Date of Invoice Generation - This setting ensures that if you are doing monthly invoicing that the invoice date is the same as the date that you are processing the invoicing. The service date could be the 10th and will reflect as such on the invoice but the invoice date will be the date that you generated the invoice. (This is best used if you do weekly or monthly invoicing)
Date of Selected Calendar Event - This setting ensures that irrespective of the date the invoice is generated that the date of the invoice matches the date of the appointment ie:: invoice generated on the 25th of month for an appointment on the 10th of the month will be dated 10th of the month. (This is best used if you do daily invoicing) - Remove Tax From Rates (if registered) ::
This setting is used if your practice is registered for VAT so that the system generates the tax/VAT amount to the invoice. - Show Age Analysis ::
This setting is to tell the system that it needs to show the age analysis on the bottom of your statements, this was client can see if they outstanding amounts in 30,60,90,120 & 120 plus days. - Use Consolidated Statements ::
This setting changes the statement view from a basic statement with just the invoice number and amount with the payment number and amount to a more detailed statement that shows the BHF, ICD-10 codes and prices for each session the client attended. - Show Hours and Minutes on Invoice ::
This setting includes the appointment time with the session date on the invoice. Eg:: 0900/10:00 - Show Nappi Codes on Invoice ::
This setting allows you to add NAPPI codes for consumables etc to the invoice. - Allow Blank Pre Auth Number for Hospital Claims ::
This setting allows you to bypass the system default for in hospital claims that requires the pre-auth number to be added to the invoice in order for the invoice to be sent to the medical aid, you can opt to not use it by ticking this option. Please Note that this could result in your in hospital claims not linking to an auth at the scheme and thus not being paid. - Enable Pro-Forma Invoice ::
This setting allows you to create an invoice for a future date and instead of stating Invoice at the top it will state quote should you need to submit a quote to a medical aid scheme or company for approval of sessions.
Missed Appointment Settings ::
No matter what type of practitioner you are, at some point you will have a client that will not attend their session or cancel an appointment at the last minute. On smeMetrics you can set your missed appointment rules, this setting allows you to either bill an appointment that has been marked as missed or not.
Bill with Normal Rules ::
This setting tells the system that even if an appointment has been marked as incomplete (missed) when an invoice is generated the system needs to bill as per the invoice template or default billing code.Bill with missed appointment code and amount.
This setting allows you to add a missed appointment code, description and amount to the invoice. The system will then ensure that when an invoice is generated for an appointment that has been marked as incomplete (missed) the system will override the invoice template or default billing code and replace it with your missed appointment code and amount.
Do not Bill ::
This setting ensures that appointments marked as incomplete (missed) are not billed, they will remain as missed appointments in your calendar and cannot be invoiced.